Friday 6 April 2018


Which one do you prefer? Instagram or twitter?

Both application has their good and bad side. But it’s depends on us to use it for bad or good things.

So, let’s put monthly active users on Instagram aside for a moment and talk about these twitter and Instagram for what they really are: tremendously different.

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Good side Twitter 

➜ Twitter is the cocktail party of the internet: when stuff is happening the world, twitter is where you go. When there is an unfortunate world crisis and breaking news, we don’t run to Instagram for the pictures, we run to Twitter for the breaking tweets and live news updates.
 ➜ Twitter can express our feeling by post something and sharing some video or picture. But you must remember that not all thing and feeling you can share or express about your feeling on public because netizen will bash you with harsh word.

 Bad side Twitter:

Twitter has a problem, it’s extremely noisy
Twitter makes it easy to bash others, which generally has the opposite of its intended effect, harsh words about others may make them look bad, but make you look worse.
➜ Twitter just not like others apps or web. For example, Facebook. Twitter does not have a friendly user. For us twitter a bit difficult to handle because its have many people like to post many things so that we can’t read the previous post. Twitter also cannot post music files.
credit to google


Good side:

Based analysis, Instagram is clearly going in the right direction. And attention is what you want when you’re selling a product or you brand, right? Besides sales, you need that attention to win in business.

Bad side:

When you’re spending time on Instagram, you’re not paying attention to anything else. 100% engaged and looking at your Instagram screen, each photo of users you follow on Instagram passes one by one. IG is all about attention.

For us we like to choose twitter because we can get more information without watching news or buy newspaper. we can get more than enough at twitter. 

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