Sunday, 15 April 2018



Breast cancer touches nearly every one of us in some way or another. Most of us know someone,whether it’s an aunt, mother, cousin, sister or friend who has battled breast cancer.

About 1 in 20 women in the Malaysia develop breast cancer in their lifetime. However, the rate differs between the three main races, the Malays, Chinese and Indians. The commonest age at presentation is between 40-49 years.  

As you know breast cancer is the second ranks after skin cancer. Breast cancer is a malignant tumor ( a collection of cancer cells) arising from the cells of the breast. Although, breast cancer predominantly occurs in woman, it can also affect men.

There are many agency who help breast cancer fighter with emotional, social and material. They also educate people with promote public education on general health and breast health issues including detection breast cancer.

we love you 
Symptom of breast cancer:

  • swelling of all or part of a breast ( even if no distinct lump is felt)
  • skin irritation or dumpling ( sometimes looking like an orange peel)
  • breast or nipple pain
  • nipple retraction ( turning inward)
  • redness, scaliness or thickening of the nipple or breast skin.
  • nipple discharge ( other than breast milk)

Treatment for breast cancer :

  1.  local therapy

  • lumpectomy (usually remove the least amount of breast tissues)  +  radiation
  • mastectomy ( remove of breast and associated lymph nodes)
      2. systemic therapy

  • chemotherapy
  • hormonal therapy
  • targeted therapy
How to prevent and reduce risk:

  • avoid obesity
  • check your breast every month
  • don’t smoke
  • avoid exposure to radiation and environmental

We pray you guys who fight with breast cancer never give up, never stop fighting to fight this ‘thing’

Aja-aja fighting !!!!!

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