Sunday, 25 March 2018


Skipping class in school or college is just sound familiar when a student decides not go to school and college or not to attend certain class. There are almost all student will skipped class at least once in their life. There are 10 excuse given by student to skip classes:

  •  Tell parent that you are being bullied at college
😝 Your parent will feel uncomfortable and give a permission no to attend classes.
  •  Tell parent that class is cancel
😝 This excuse always will be the top excuse to make parent trust and believe.
  •  Tell lecture that you are stuck in jammed for a long time.
😝 This excuse also student use to make lecture believe on your excuse.
  •   Make a fake holiday
😝 Tell your parent that you had a semester break, your parent will trust your excuse.
  •  Feeling sick
 😝‘’sir/madam, I’m not feeling well’’ is simple excuse but works very well than you        expect. You just make it look authentic by spelling out some symptoms of what you are feeling and you should be stay at home all day.
  •  Wake up late
😝For student to wake up late is the best reason. This excuse always used by student to skip the class because this easy very simple. You just need to pretend waking up and telling the lecture that you woke up late because your alarm clock didn’t work. 
  • Fake accident
😝 If you are a good actor then faking an accident should be child’s play for you. Tie a bandage on leg, arm or whatever you want. Explain your reason for skip class or tell why you absent to the lecture.
  • Make an excuses
😝 Tell your parent that you don’t finish to do homework. If you don’t finish it your teacher/lecture will punish you and your parent don’t want you in trouble. 
  •  Your flight got delayed 
😝 You are coming back from vacation or back from your hometown that far from Kuala Lumpur such as Sabah, Sarawak, Terengganu and many more. There was a horrible storm( if you think that your lecture will check the weather, change it to plane problems or something of the sort), so your plane delayed until tomorrow. They can’t force you to come to class when you aren’t even in the same state, so they will excuse absence and you’re off the hook. Just stay inside for the whole day so that they don’t run into you at your favorite place. 

  •  Family problem
😝 Tell your lecture that you have family problem. Your lecture will understand and they will accept. Because they think it must really important. It will make you feel a bit horrible but this excuse will work. 

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