Friday, 16 February 2018



  If i could turn back time, I will not wasting money and save my money as much as i can do. After I finish my high-school life, I was working on somewhere like supermarket, restaurant, boutique and etc. Its my first experience having a money by my own effort. I'm using my salary to buy some cloth, shoes, bag, food and etc. I don't have any commitment to pay something like house rent because i'm living with parent, so its all for free. I just using my salary to enjoy my young life and didn't thinking about what will happen to the future.

  The most thing that i spend my money is on food and gadget. This two thing always make my wallet broke and empty. For example, i always can't stop spending my money on food. Seriously i have problem with just frivolously spending money on food it's doesn't matter if i have it and if i see it , it's like 'i'll take you' and i keep say to myself i'm like 'don't do it you have food at home' but always failed to control myself. If i go out to the mall and i walk past on my favorite restaurant and it;s like 'no food at home and just take some food' and then on top of that it's like the food i'm eating never healthy so that i'd end up gaining weight no reason killing myself. it's literally like i'm choosing to die and be broke at same time.

    For gadget? Urgh!! This thing the MOST i spend my money on it. Almost 50% i spend my money on it. The gadget that what i mean is smart phone and computer. i like to play online games that cost me a lot. for example, i need to go to cybercafe to play games. Sometime, i need to top up my phone, that also i spend a lot my money on it. Every week, i'll spend my money on top up my credit phone. Actually, playing online games make me sick and make me unhealthy.

   When i'm getting matured, i"m start thinking about future, saving money to do something more valuable like using money for continue further study or buying house, car and etc. I feel a little bit regret and sad because spend a very lot of money for wasteful things. 

past is past...

  Now I have to spend money for something more valuable for my future !! 😀 And i learn from many people how to not waste money just like flowing water. I need to save money!

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