Saturday, 24 February 2018


DubuYo Sunway Velocity Mall

That day, I was boring without doing nothing. So, I decided to hang out with my friend at Sunway Velocity Mall.  Sunway Velocity is a shopping mall that popped up around our college a while back. However, me and my friend never really got the chance to check the place out until recently.

When we arrived at sunway velocity. We don’t know where should we go first. After a few hour walk around without any reason we decide to eat something. After we discuss a few minutes and we decided to go DubuYo Urban korean food.

I have to admit that this place has very unique name. This place had been open for more than a couple of months and I live extremely nearby but I’ve never had the time to stop by. I guess I should be thankful for my boring day otherwise I probably would have never check this place out.

The place was hard to miss. This was located on the basement first floor and they had one of the comfortable space in the mall. If I am not mistaken, this was directly opposite with my favourite desert Auntie Anne, very close to the escalator.

💕The interior 💕

The style inside DubuYo is ornate and highly decorative. They had a television that playing my favourite song ( korean song). So, we can listening to music while waiting and enjoy our food.


so pretty

💕 Facilities 💕

Toilets ?
yes (it's because the restaurant in the mall )


Wifi ?

 I'm quite disappointed their facilities very low 😡

💕 Service & cleanliness  💕

I entered the restaurant after noon after lunch hour rush. I was greeted by the employees, they were quite friendly but not too friendly whenever I asked them for something. There was this especially grumpy waitress who looked like I had done her a disservice for calling her. Not only that, they all seemed to be gathered at kitchen to talk among themselves and were oblivious to the other customers (and me) who were trying to get their attention.

The one thing I liked was how clean it was. Sometimes when a place serves food like rice and other main dishes, the table tend to be oily or there would be a smell in the restaurant. The tables were squeaky clean and so were the surrounding. 

💕 The Menu 💕

They have quite an extensive menu and a good lunch promo, which I tried. The price are acceptable and are typical of a restaurant at the mall.

available at 10.00 am-3.00 pm only

💕 Me and my Friend Food 💕

spicy rice cake cheese 
 spicy rice cake

korean gogi set

our bill 

I tried spicy rice cake set (topokki) and my friends tried korean gogi set and spicy rice cake cheese set. It insanely delicious . I bet you never regret have a meal here and will come here again and again. In DubuYo, we can refill the side dishes like vegetable, soup and kimchi. So, we can eat as much as what we like. it’s awesome right ??!! The price also affordable for people like us who want to try to eat korean food for the first time. 

Overall, i liked the interior of the restaurant and the food but i would like to have better service than what I received.

Rohalinah binti Sukir 
Nur Faziana binti Ja'afar
Muhammad Salehudin Budiman bin Abu 

Friday, 16 February 2018



  If i could turn back time, I will not wasting money and save my money as much as i can do. After I finish my high-school life, I was working on somewhere like supermarket, restaurant, boutique and etc. Its my first experience having a money by my own effort. I'm using my salary to buy some cloth, shoes, bag, food and etc. I don't have any commitment to pay something like house rent because i'm living with parent, so its all for free. I just using my salary to enjoy my young life and didn't thinking about what will happen to the future.

  The most thing that i spend my money is on food and gadget. This two thing always make my wallet broke and empty. For example, i always can't stop spending my money on food. Seriously i have problem with just frivolously spending money on food it's doesn't matter if i have it and if i see it , it's like 'i'll take you' and i keep say to myself i'm like 'don't do it you have food at home' but always failed to control myself. If i go out to the mall and i walk past on my favorite restaurant and it;s like 'no food at home and just take some food' and then on top of that it's like the food i'm eating never healthy so that i'd end up gaining weight no reason killing myself. it's literally like i'm choosing to die and be broke at same time.

    For gadget? Urgh!! This thing the MOST i spend my money on it. Almost 50% i spend my money on it. The gadget that what i mean is smart phone and computer. i like to play online games that cost me a lot. for example, i need to go to cybercafe to play games. Sometime, i need to top up my phone, that also i spend a lot my money on it. Every week, i'll spend my money on top up my credit phone. Actually, playing online games make me sick and make me unhealthy.

   When i'm getting matured, i"m start thinking about future, saving money to do something more valuable like using money for continue further study or buying house, car and etc. I feel a little bit regret and sad because spend a very lot of money for wasteful things. 

past is past...

  Now I have to spend money for something more valuable for my future !! 😀 And i learn from many people how to not waste money just like flowing water. I need to save money!

Friday, 9 February 2018



KUPTM stand for Kolej University Poly-Tech Mara are located in capital city Malaysia. They provide a warm and caring environment that provides student with quality education and recognized academic standing. KUPTM also provide loan like PTPTN and also MARA for student who cannot afford to pay their education fee. So, this is the reason why we choose KUPTM as our further study. We were excited to start our journey. (><)


The first day at KUPTM was 27 January 2018. The day we need to register and the first day as student at KUPTM was on 5 February 2018. So, our first class begin. For new student like us, it was a little bit difficult to search our classroom, we had lost for a few time because we are not familiar and this place makes we feel a little bit giddy and its make we feel like playing a maze. Its take a few minutes to find our classroom, then finally we found our class. When we arrived in classroom, the first thing we did is introductory session between students and lecturer. Maybe its little bit awkward for the first time we met, after a couple of time we become so friendly.


For us, our first day at KUPTM as student was valuable experience and we will never forget it. Maybe this is beginning of our life and our dream to achieve a higher education in our life. So, as student we should study harder and success for our future and makes our parents happy and proud of us. The most important is to make ourselves happy and proud. 


Block a person through social media or being blocked through social media? Which one do you prefer?

For us, we prefer to block a person through social media because when we being blocked by someone, we will feel incredibly painful....